Rental Information
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 01:35 PM
Driver Responsibility
Driver Identification
Drivers of University vehicles will be required to present a valid driver's license and may be required to provide a current SIU student, staff or faculty ID before a vehicle will be issued.
An excessive cleaning charge will be billed to the department if this policy is violated!
Legal Responsibility of Drivers
All traffic laws in the locality in which the vehicle is driven will be obeyed. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for any traffic or parking violations received during the rental period. Drivers shall use care in the operation and security of the rental vehicle. Under no circumstances may a vehicle ever be used for personal use!
All passengers in a University vehicle must be valid faculty, staff or students. Persons who are contracted employeed of the University and on the payroll are allowed to be passengers in these vehicles. SIU affiliates, adult famiy members and other individuals not on the University payroll who are engaged in University business are not allowed to be passengers in these vehicles unless previous authorization and written consent are received from the President of the University.
Vehicle Etiquette
University vehicles will stay cleaner and look better if everyone does their part. During peak times fleet vehicles cannot always be detailed between rentals. After a trip, please remove all food wrappers, beverage containers and other debris from the vehicle. There is a garbage can located at the fuel pumps at Travel Service for your convienence. If the vehicle is brought back excvessively dirty or the interior is damaged, there is an excessive cleaning charge that will be billed to the department.
Vehicle Credit Card Use
Each vehicle has a Wright Express credit card assigned to it. Wright Express credit cards are issued specifically to individual University vehicles and have a specific vehicle number embossed on them. Fuel credit cards are to be used only for the specific vehicle they are assigned.
When using University vehicle credit cards, it is the driver's responsibility to verify that all charges are correct and to ensure that the correct vehicle license plate number is on the charge slip before signing it.
Vehicle credit cards are to be kept in a safe and secure place at all times. Travel Service should be notified immediately if credit cards are lost or stolen. The driver and his or her department will be responsible for any charges incurred against a lost or stolen vehicle credit card until the time Travel Service is notified.
Unauthorized utilization of vehicle credit cards
- lodging
- meals
- candy
- cigarettes
- sunglasses
- maps
- parking or toll fees
- maintenance or service costs for another vehicle
- vehicle service costs within the campus/Carbondale area
- other non-vehicle related items